baldo & pigface adventures
Pigfaces adventures
pigface adventures page 2
Baldos adventures
Fan Art & Misc. Comics

If your looking for a quick read and some mindless entertainment you've come to the right place, if not you should probably leave now before u become upset at the mindlessness.  and we made a guestbook so click the link above and sign, sign, sign!

Whats New?
Well i figured that some of you may want to just come to the site and see if anything's new, before actually wasting your valuable time clicking and loading anything, so we decided upon adding this "new updates" part.
Whats New on THE SITE?
Well, as you may have already noticed, we've added a Guest Book to THE SITE (see link above) with the help of  Mr. Brent! so do as it says and "sign, sign, sign!!" also we've added a new page for Fans of Pigface and Baldo to add their own comics (<see left <) so if you wish to have one of your own comics posted on THE SITE for all to see send it to either:
There is a new character on the Fan Art page, it's just a character, not a comic...
Whats New With Pigface?
new pigface comic done. august 15, 2004
Whats New With Baldo?
There is a new Baldo comic finnished. As of June 10th

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My Crappy friend from Red Rock, asked me (Crappily) to put his Crappy website on here. It's the most Crappy link on here, so here's your Crappy website Erik! (No one go to it! it's Crappy!)